I'm Cynthia 49 years old and a mother of 3 children. I have been a fanatic of African Violet plants. In fact i have been propagating African Violet from year 1993 to 2003.I then stopped caring for these awesome plants because nobody would take care of my plants when i am away from home. My obsession grow back when i came to learn using the internet.I was so amazed seeing all beautiful pictures about these small plants that captured my heart. Small, petite, beautiful colors, variegated leaves makes me happy. A day on the net or on cellphone browsing these amazing plants makes my day complete.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hello everyone. I happen to do some experimenting with my african violets. I did tried to put some leaves last January 24, 2012 and know what? ...my growing medium is the bathroom tissue paper... After a month and 18days here are the leaves i have planted in my tissue paper medium....

I cant believe it will grow...see the plantlets at the base of the leaf?? Im happy to know that they like to grow on soft papers..hahaha...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Here are some tips on how to grow these amazing plants in a tropical country.
          Select the coolest part of your house. If you live in a tropical country like mine, the Philippines, put your AV collection in eastern part of your house which receives only 2 to 3 hours of morning sun. From 7 in the morning till 9 in the morning would be fine for these kind of plants. Be sure that african violet get a lot of indirect sun the whole day. Or you can also get western part of you house the receives light from 4 to 5 in the afternoon or bright window of indirect sunlight.
         You can also use the coolest part of your backyard.What i did,  i just use a celluloid plastic as roofing for my African Violets which are stationed near a tree or near the concrete fence in our home. The celluloid plastics protects my plants from heavy rains and from direct sunlight.
        You can now grow AV under flourescent lamps
        Water your AV when you see that the top most soil is dry . In my case, that i live in a tropical country, i usually don't know where to buy those special soil for these plants. I just use saw dust taken from a saw mill or  rice howls that are 4months old enough to hold moisture.
        Propagation can be done through leaf cuttings and seeds that you can order it online.

My new African Violet Collections